Javascript Recap
(1) Let’s discuss about Concat()
Using concat(), we can make 2 or 3 or more individual string to one string. We can also directly add new text to the previous string. We can see few examples also,
const first = “Welcome To”;
const second = “The”;
const three = “World”;
console.log(first.concat(‘ ‘,second,’ ‘,three));
const first1 = “Welcome”;
console.log(first1.concat(‘ To’,’ The New World’))
(2) Let’s discuss about toUpperCaese()
Using this javascript functionality, we can instantly change all the word of a sentence uppercase from lower case.
const first = “welcome to the new world”;
(3) Let’s discuss about Integer()
Basically this operator check the value is Integer or Not. It will return (1,-1) as true. Negetive value will not effect this. But if we put (0.1),it will return false.
function fits(x, y) {
if (Number.isInteger(y / x)) {
return ‘True!’;
return ‘False!’;
console.log(fits(2, 10));
expected output: “True!”
console.log(fits(3, 11));
expected output: “False!”
(4) Let’s discuss about Math.ceil()
Basically, Math.ceil() take a number to the next largest integer.
expected result is “1”;
(4) Let’s discuss about Math.round()
Math.round usually returns a rounded value of the integer. Example
exprected result is “6”;
(5) Let’s discuss about find()
Basically we can find a specific value from an array by using find(). Example
const array = [2,13, 40, 60];
const find = array.find(num => num > 1 );
expected value is “2”
(6) Let’s discuss abou pop()
By using pop(), we can remove a last element from an Array. Example
const fruits = [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’, ‘lichi’, ‘jackfruit’];
expected result is “jackfruit”
(7) Let’s discuss about push()
By using push(), we can add a element to the end of an array. Example
const fruits = [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’, ‘lichi’, ‘jackfruit’];
const new = fruits.push(“water lemon”);
expected result is [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’, ‘lichi’, ‘jackfruit’,‘water lemon’];
(8) Let’s discuss about slice()
By using this, we can slice an array from specific direction. Example
const dress= [‘shirt’, ‘pant’, ‘shoe’, ‘punjabi’];
// expected output: Array [ ‘pant’, ‘shoe’, ‘punjabi’];
(9) Let’s discuss about splice()
const months = [‘Jan’, ‘March’, ‘April’, ‘June’];
months.splice(1, 0, ‘Feb’);
// inserts at index 1
// expected output: Array [“Jan”, “Feb”, “March”, “April”, “June”]
(10) Let’s discuss abot unshift()
Basically, using unshift() we can add one or more element to the beginning of an array. Example
const fruits = [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’, ‘lichi’, ‘jackfruit’];
expected result is [‘jackfruit’,‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’, ‘lichi’];